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ZEJULA (Niraparib) is a medication used in the treatment of ovarian cancer. Here’s some information about it: How does it work? ZEJULA is a type of medication known as a PARP inhibitor. It works by blocking the activity of an enzyme called poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase (PARP), which is involved in repairing damaged DNA in cells. By inhibiting PARP, ZEJULA prevents cancer cells from repairing their DNA effectively, leading to their death. What are the benefits? The primary benefit of ZEJULA is its effectiveness in treating certain types of ovarian cancer, particularly in patients who have responded to platinum-based chemotherapy. It can help to delay the progression of the disease and improve overall survival rates in these patients. How should I take? ZEJULA is typically taken orally, in the form of capsules. The usual dosage regimen involves taking a specific number of capsules once daily, with or without food, depending on your doctor’s instructions. It’s crucial to follow your doctor’s instructions carefully and to take the medication exactly as prescribed. Who can take? ZEJULA is prescribed by healthcare professionals for individuals diagnosed with certain types of ovarian cancer, specifically those who have responded to platinum-based chemotherapy. However, not everyone with ovarian cancer is a suitable candidate for treatment with ZEJULA, and its use depends on various factors such as the type and stage of cancer, as well as individual health considerations. Your doctor will determine if ZEJULA is an appropriate treatment option for you. Where can I buy? ZEJULA is a prescription medication and can only be obtained through a licensed healthcare provider. After consulting with your doctor, you can obtain a prescription for ZEJULA, and then purchase it from pharmacies or healthcare facilities that dispense prescription medications. If you need more specific information, such as prices in different countries, feel free to ask!
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